On Tuesday the team at Bicycle NSW and some of our loyal volunteer route marshals did a trial of the Heart Foundation GEAR UP GIRL Ride. For some of us (triathlete Jane) it was a doddle, for others it was a challenge, and for Lisa it was a personal milestone. Read her beautiful and uplifting story here, but we warn you, it made us a little teary!
“How good do I feel! After bringing up three toddlers and currently raising three tweens, bike riding went a bit on the wayside. I joined Bicycle NSW in October 2014 and seeing those 9,000+ riders enjoy the Spring Cycle, reminded me it was time to get back to what I loved doing, riding my bike! On Tuesday after training for just a few weeks, I completed the GEAR UP GIRL 40km Classic Ride. I loved the route because it was nice and easy, pretty flat and the scenery was just gorgeous. The company was pretty great too! I was so proud of my achievement which in the end didn’t prove that hard to do.
But my greatest moment came when I got home that evening. A bottle of wine and a bunch of flowers from my husband and six year old daughter. My 10 year old daughter came and lay down on my bed with me wanting to know all about my ride. My teenage son of whom I can never pry off the computer actually stopped his game with his friends to see how I went. How cool is it that my children are actually interested and even proud of what I had achieved! Not only am I getting back to what I enjoy doing and getting fitter, I now have a sense of pride in myself, I have done something for me and my family are proud of me for it!”
Lisa Nicholls, Bicycle NSW Administration Manager